[CellMosaic] Antibody Mertansine (DM1) Conjugation Kit

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[CellMosaic] Antibody Mertansine (DM1) Conjugation Kit

[CellMosaic] Products

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[CellMosaic] Antibody Mertansine (DM1) Conjugation Kit

Antibody Mertansine (DM1) Conjugation Kit

Product Description:

CellMosaic는 항체의 초기 단계 screening을 위해 SMCC (succinimidyl trans-4-(maleimidylmethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate) linker를 사용한 mertansine (DM1)의 antibody (IgG type) 라벨링을 위해 이 키트를 설계했습니다.

이 키트에는 표면 아민을 통해 항체에 순차적으로 결합할 수 있는 SMCC와 DM1이 포함되어 있습니다. 제품은 반응하지 않은 약물을 제거하기 위해 정제됩니다. 

Standard Kit Configuration for CM11410 (Default is 1-3 mg and 1 Reaction):
Antibody Amount per Reaction Number of Reactions in Kit Catalog Number
0.1 mg 1 or 3 CM11410.01x1 or CM11410.01x3
1-3 mg 1 or 3 CM11410x1 or CM11410x3

Drug Information:
  • Name: Mertansine (DM1) 
  • CAS number: 139504-50-0
  • Mechanism of action: Inhibits cell division by blocking the polymerisation of tubulin

Requirement for Antibody:
  • Preferably >90% pure by gel electrophoresis
  • Total amount: 1-3 mg or 0.1 mg of protein content as measured by UV. 

Key Features of this PerKit™:
  • Offers a simple and easy way to label IgG with DM1 with minimum exposure to the toxin
  • Stable linkage 
  • Fast and easy preparation: 6 h preparation and <2 h hands-on time
  • All reagents and supplies included for preparation and purification
  • Average 2-4 DM1 labeling per antibody
  • Less than 5% of antibody aggregation and >99% of conjugated products by SEC (size-exclusion chromatography)
  • Options to choose tailored services at CellMosaic® after conjugation

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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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